Thursday, November 28, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Outline a Novel (Even If Outlining Makes You Sick)
How to Outline a Novel (Even If Outlining Makes You Sick) How to Outline a Novel (Even If You’re Not an Outliner) I know what you’re thinking: How does the author of nearly 190 books, two-thirds of them novels, get off telling me â€Å"How to Outline a Novel†when he’s on record as a non-outliner himself? Hey, not only that, but we non-outliners have a name! We call ourselves Pantsers. Okay, so it’s not that creative. It just means we write by the seat of our pants. We could just as easily be known as No-Netters, like high wire walkers or trapeze artists who work without safety nets. And it’s not like we’re some crazy offshoot, like the cousins you never talk about. We make up about half of all novelists, and there are some famous mega-bestselling types among us. Does the name Stephen King strike a familiar tone? Why couldn’t we just be known as members of the Stephen King School of Fiction Writing? Need help writing your novel?Click here to download my ultimate 12-step guide. Which Are You- Outliner or Pantser? It’s a good thing to determine early, you know. You’ll save yourself a lot of agony, starts and stops, frustration. There’s enough of that in novel writing already. No sense adding more when you don’t have to. Now, trust me, whichever you are- Outliner or Pantser- you’re often going to wish you were the other. It’s just like people with curly or straight hair. The curlies are always trying to straighten theirs, and the straights are always trying to curl theirs. Human nature, I guess. When I hit the wall at the halfway to three-quarter mark for just about every novel, I yearn for a tidy outline that tells me where to go next. But down deep I know better. Story outlines just don’t work for me. Somehow, when I plot the story out in advance, things get predictable. Plus, the organic nature of a story always has its way with me and the characters wind up taking over. They’re cantankerous sorts and never let me put words in their mouths or take the fork in the road I think they ought to. Go Where the Process Takes You The aforementioned Mr. King says, â€Å"Try to put interesting characters in difficult situations and write to find out what happens.†How fun is that? I live for it. It’s writing by process of discovery, and for me- and any Pantser- it’s the only way that works. I grew up on television. Maybe that’s why I’m an intuitive plotter, and my stories tend to have beginnings, middles, and ends. It doesn’t always feel that way while it’s happening, and sometimes I wonder why things are happening the way they are, but things always seem to come together and work out. Be What You Are Now, if you’re an Outliner and you try writing by the seat of your pants, you’ll soon know you’ve made a mistake. If you’re not an intuitive plotter, your story will be all over the place, your rabbit trails will take you to parts of the forest you have no business in, and you’ll never find your way back. You’re one or the other, so decide and stake your claim. Neither is better, neither is right or wrong- unless you choose the opposite of what you are. Then you’re not going to be happy till you switch. The Ultimate Novel Outliner If you’re an Outliner and want to jump in with both feet or dive in headfirst or whatever clichà © you choose to apply, you can’t do better than to tap into the very strange and wonderful mind of my friend, Dr. Randy Ingermanson. Who’s he, you ask? Only the Sheldon Cooper of novelists. Literally (and I use that term literally). On The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon has a masters degree and two doctoral degrees. Randy got his M.A. and Ph.D. in physics, specializing in elementary particle theory. He also did two years of post-graduate work on superstring theory. Somehow he now applies his intellect to the science of novel writing and teaching novel writing, and he is the story outline extraordinaire. If you’re an Outliner, go to his site and check out his Snowflake Method of outlining your novel, and also invest in his Writing Fiction for Dummies. But You Said I know! I was going to tell you how to outline your novel even if you’re not an outliner. If you’re not an outliner, you need to stay at least 100 yards from Randy Ingermanson. He’d tell you that himself. He doesn’t even want my business! Randy agrees that Outliners are Outliners and Pantsers are Pantsers, and never the twain shall meet. If you’re a Pantser, don’t try to be an Outliner. Then How Am I Supposed to Okay, here’s how. No one’s saying that just because you’re not an Outliner you should simply sit at the keyboard and wait till magic happens. It doesn’t go that way. At least it never has for me- although some critics may disagree. Though you may not have an outline per se, obviously you must have an idea or you have no business in that chair. I repeat: don’t go to the keyboard with nothing to say. Come with an idea! Be able to state it in one sentence. Tell me what your story is about. My first novel was about a judge who tried a man for a murder that the judge had committed. I had to have at least that much or I would have sat there all day twiddling my thumbs. Now, if you’re an Outliner, Randy Ingermanson will have you inventing characters with names and backgrounds and virtually blueprinting your story before you keyboard â€Å"Chapter 1.†As a Pantser, my thought was, come up with a couple of character names, put ‘em on stage, and start telling the story of that judge. Let’s see what happens. It sure won’t be predictable to the reader, because I don’t even know what’s coming. And if a reader writes to demand why I killed off some favorite character, I can say, â€Å"Hey, I write by process of discovery. I didn’t kill them off, I found ‘em dead.†Then What Did You Mean by ‘Novel Outlining’? That there is a basic story structure that works whether you have a novel outline or you’re writing by the seat of your pants, and it looks like this, according to bestseller Dean Koontz: 1- Plunge your main character into terrible trouble as soon as possible. (That trouble will mean something different depending on your genre. For a thriller it might be life-threatening. For a romance it might mean choosing between two suitors.) 2- Everything your character does to try to get out of the trouble makes it only worse. 3- Eventually things appear hopeless. 4- Finally, everything your character has learned through all that trouble gives him what he needs to personally conquer the opposition. That’s a structure that will keep you- and your reader- engaged and insured against boredom. And that’s how to outline a novel, whether you’re an Outliner or a Pantser. Need help writing your novel?Click here to download my ultimate 12-step guide. So, which are you, an Outliner or a Pantser, and what will you do next?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
TQM Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
TQM - Research Paper Example The paper will discuss the history of the balanced scorecard as a tool of performance measurement and management and outlines the detailed four perspectives of measuring the performance of the organization. The paper will also outline some benefits that are offered by the balanced scorecard as a tool of process improvement and performance measurement. The balanced scorecard was developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in 1995 and considers four perspectives of organizational performance that include the financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process and finally learning and growth perspective (Niven, 2005). According to Kaplan and Norton, the tool translates the organizational mission and strategy in set of performance measures that will determine the short-term and long-term organizational progress in executing the mission and strategy of the company (Niven, 2005). In this case, the tool is useful since it clarifies the vision and strategy and links the strategic objectives with the measures and further enhances the strategic feedback of the attainment of the corporate objectives. The financial perspective measures the economic performance of the actions taken by the firm such as the increase in revenues, the increase in profitability, the decline in the operational costs and decline in bad debts (Meyer, 2002). The short-term financial measures can include an increase in the number of sales units while the long-term financial measures will include increase in overall profitability and reduction in the operating costs. The customer perspective is geared at identifying the market segments and ensuring higher customer satisfaction and retention. High customer satisfaction will lead to higher customer loyalty and retention thus reducing the marketing costs and increasing the business revenues (Niven, 2005). The customer measures of performance include the number
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Lesson plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Lesson plan - Essay Example The teacher sets the sounds to be listened to by learners and allow learners to imitate the sounds. The teacher allows learners to ask him questions concerning clarity to what they have leaned. After clarification the teacher pose some questions to the learners and learners response shows the extend to which the concept taught have been mastered. Assignments to be given to each learner to evaluate the objectives of the lesson. Assignment should be administered both in groups and individually to determine the areas that are okay and some that need revision. Finally, the teacher performs an evaluation to determine how much the lesson objectives have been achieved and those that are not fully met in order to improve in future. Both formative and summative evaluation be used in evaluating students mastery of the concepts learnt. for instance, assigning them vocabularies to use in a composition hence putting what they have leant into practice. Also giving learners certain words to research on how they are supposed to be
Monday, November 18, 2019
Social networks Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Social networks - Research Proposal Example By examining this, there is the ability to draw conclusions about mass media and how it can use communication effectively with social media for stronger influences. Literature Review The social networks that have emerged in the last two decades are continuing to influence the behaviors and trends of those interested in the networking. This literature review will examine the main ideologies of social networks and how they are emerging into new forms of connecting with others. Specifically, there will be an understanding of how social networks have changed, what has developed and how this is influencing mass media and communication. There will be an examination of what the current trends are with social networks and what is expected in the future, specifically with a focus on what this means for new media. By examining these components, there is the ability to create a deeper understanding of the structure of networks and how these are influencing the current conditions of individuals online. Background of Social Networks The concept of social networks began to emerge in the 1990s and since this time has moved into a rapid spread of growth. The concept is one which emerged with the development of Web 2.0, which was inclusive of the second generation of the Internet. The objectives with Web 2.0 were based on developing interactive platforms for information and networking among individuals and groups. The social networks are inclusive of five eras that have developed with platforms that demand different forms of interaction. The first is social relationships, which includes information, discussions and media available on the Internet. This is followed by social functionality, which includes platforms for friending and communication that is developed. The third is social colonization, which began in 2009. This concept is based on individuals that are able to receive social connections that override the traditional websites and forms of communication. The era of soci al context and social commerce has followed, which is allowing the social applications to alter according to likes and experiences as well as with corporations driving the main components. Each of these eras can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 1: Eras of Social Networking (Owyang, 2009: p 2). Values of Social Networking The eras that have been developed through social networks are furthered with trends and expectations that are a part of the emergence of this new form of working with others. The main focus with social networks is to create a definition of social capital. This means that the networks are defined specifically by the value of networking with others socially and how this leads to relationships with others. For businesses, media and other institutions, the social capital is becoming a way of adding value and recognition to various needs. Specialist audiences, target groups and other forms of social media are continuing to emerge into new forms of behaviors and expectations w ith connecting on the Internet, while new value is being maintained in terms of communication, dialogue and interactions with others that are using online portals to connect to others socially (Woolcock, 2008: p. 469). The social capital that has
Friday, November 15, 2019
Visual Style And Elements Of Gameplay Video Games Essay
Visual Style And Elements Of Gameplay Video Games Essay The first level starts with the character Gandalf helping at the Battle of the Hornburg. You are shown by a tutorial how to fight by using the controller, and also told where to go to. Completing this level splits the next one into three separate missions with different characters. One path is as Gandalf the wizard. One path is as a king with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. One path is hobbits with Frodo and Sam. The theme contains villainous creatures for example orcs, uruk hai, cave trolls, Gollum, Witch-King of Angmar, Mà »makil and Wargs. These are all are NPC (Non Playable Characters). Also when playing single player there will be good people with you, for example, if you are playing as Aragorn the NPCs will be Legolas and Gimli and other good soldiers. It shows lots of different of atmosphere themes, for example, rock, smoke, fire, walls, trees and buildings. Characters A wizard style character is a powerful character. He would use swords, spells and his white staff. He would attack the enemy from both long and short range. He wears white hat and white cloak. This example is Gandalf. A human style character would be strong and quick. He would use swords, and he would be better at sword skills than other characters in the game. He also knows how to use bow and arrows and is good at archery but not as good as Legolas. He would be able to attack the enemy from both long and short range. He wears black clothes and a green cloak, but when the game is nearly finished he wears a red and blue cloak. This example is Aragon. An elf style character would be quick and strong. He would be able to use bow and arrows are be extremely good at targeting and fast. He also uses two swords and is a good fighter but not as good as Aragorn. He would attack the enemy from both long and short range. He wears clad green and brown and good green cloak. This example is Legolas. A dwarf style character would be a strong and slow character. He would use a battle axe with good strength. He has throwing axes, but is not as good as Legolas. He would attack the enemy from both long and short range. He wears dark red and brown clothes and helmet. This example is Gimli. A hobbits style characters would be a weaker than the other characters. All hobbits can use swords and throwing sticks. One of hobbits is called Frodo, and he uses a special blue sword, and when the enemy gets closer the blue will glow. All hobbits would attack the enemy from both long and short range. One of the hobbits wears a green cloak, one wears a grey cloak, one wears a light brown cloak and one wears a dark red cloak. These examples are Sam, Merry and Pippin. Genre The genre is adventure and action. It is third person which is easy to use and means you can see everything thats going on. Feedback The player and the enemy NPC (Non Playable Characters) both show a HUD to show their lives. Both fighters will get effects on their life, for example, Gandalf using a sword to hit the enemy body and the effect is life will decrease a little, but if Gandalf uses a sword to hit the enemy head the effect is life will quickly reduce. That will show us the enemys weakness areas and will also make the enemy fight slow and weaker. There are lots of weapons, for example, you have to kill a big enemy and use strong weapons to kill it. If you use weak weapons to kill it will take longer or you die. Rewards The player can get rewards by killing the enemy and gaining experience points, to up to the level of the character. This will unlock better weapons, for example, buying a fire sword and using it. GTA: San Andreas (Third Person Sandbox) Game-world and Setting This uses states based on California and Nevada. They also use three fictional cities; Los Santos based on Los Angeles, San Fieroo based on San Francisco and Las Venturas based on Las Vegas. They use the name of deserts; Nevada and Arizona. They also have the half mile tall Mount Chiliad, which the character can climb. There is another mountain, Mount Diablo and different peaks and skyscrapers. Character can visit 12 country towns and villages placed in three counties, Red County, Flint County and Bone County. It has lots of NPC (Non Playable Characters) for example lots of people walking on the street and driving cars. It also has a day and night time cycle. Characters There is only one character that can do walking, running, sprinting, swimming, climbing and jumping. He can also use weapons and different kinds of hand to hand combat. The character can drive different type of vehicles for example boats, airplanes, helicopters, motorcycles, bikes, buses, trains, tanks and automobiles. The character can leave vehicles and steal other better vehicles. This character lives in a living, breathing city. This character can wear any clothes; he just has to go to a shop to buy clothes. Also he can go to his safe house to change clothes and it has special uniforms, these are for missions. Genre The genre is sandbox, which means you can do whatever you want to do. It is third person look at that person where to go to and wide range. Feedback The player has a HUD to see their life and the enemy NPC (Non Playable Characters) has same but the player must target the person to show it. Targeting lets the player kill the NPC. The player can just use explosives to bomb everything. For example, Carl can fly a jetpack and use an AK 47 to shoot the lower ground to kill all the bad gang members. To protect player life the bad gang have the weakness of not being able to fly. It will show violent blood. Rewards The player can get rewards by killing the enemy which will leave weapons and money. The player must complete the missions and will gain the reward, for example, a gun will be stored at the safe house and player can collect it anytime they want. Also they could get good cars. The player can kill people, policemen and gangs on the street; they will then show weapons and money. WWE: Smackdown Vs Raw 2009 (Sports) Game-world and Setting The theme will show the boxed ring. It will show the targets HUD. You fight peoples to injure them in different ways. There will be fans on the crowd seats. All the characters can be NPCs (Non Playable Characters) also you can play on multiplayer to fight friends on the game. Characters There are lots of characters that the player can be. One style of character would be strong and big. This character would use signature moves like; running DDT, big boot, sidewalk slam, dragon sleeper and old school (arm twist ropewalk chop). The finishing moves are chokeslam, Hell Gate and tombstone. He wears black trouser and a black v on his top. A good example is the character The Undertaker. Also there is more characters who are big and strong for example Batista. Another style of character would be high flyer. This character would have signature moves like baseball slide, arm drag, bulldog and bronco buster. The finishing moves are 619, frog splash and west coast pop (springboard hurricanrana pin). An example of this style would be Ray Mysterio. He wears shiny trouser and mask. Also there are more high flyer characters, for example, Jeff Hardy. Another style of character would be diva. This character would have signature moves like bodyscissors, camel clutch, bow and arrow stretch and kranium buster (flipping neckbreaker). The finishing moves are last call, California dream (muta lock) and snapmare driver. Melina Perez is a good example of this character. Also there are more diva characters for example Layla. Another style of character would be legend. This character would have signature moves like back body drop, cobra clutch, spinebuster and Texas piledriver. The finishing moves are Stone Cold Stunner ((Sitout three-quarter facelock jawbreaker, usually proceeded by a kick to the opponents midsection), Stun Gun (Flapjack dropped into a hangman) and Million Dollar Dream (Cobra clutch). This character starts locked; the game has to be played on Season Mode to unlock. Stone Cold Steve Austin is a good example of this character; also there are more character legends, for example, Hulk Hogan. Genre The genre is sports. It is third person, easy to use and you can see what everything going on. Feedback The player and the COM (Computer player) NPC (Non Playable Characters) they both will show the HUD to see their body life. For example the Undertaker hits Kanes head and the HUD will flash the colour light yellow, which confirms that Kanes head is a bit injured. Keep hitting him more to do more damage. Different ways of causing damage are grapple and Signature moves; big boots, corner clothesline and dragon sleeper. Then the HUD will flash orange to confirm that Kanes condition is half way and he is injured. After that keep hitting him and the HUD will flash the red, to confirm that Kanes condition is really badly injured. Finally the Undertaker can pin him or do finishing moves then pin him. Kanes body will be slow and weak. Rewards The player can get rewards by winning a game and gaining strength to use on Season Mode. The player must complete the missions, and will gain the reward or break a record. For example, the player has to do three finishing moves and will get money, which the player can use to buy better moves. Borderlands (Action FPS) Game-world and Setting The planet is calling Pandora. There is few wildlife and lots of bandits. Lots of rich people left the planet. The planet has lots of barren wasteland. There are many colonization ships to set up life and mining on the planet. Somebody found the ancient history of the planet, they used the aliens vault to make more powerful weapons. This vault has been lost and people are now looking for it. Characters There are four playable characters; Brick, Moricadi, Solider Roland and Lilith. They all have different type of weapons and the strengths. The Brick character is a Berserker and a tank style character. This character has very strong melee combat. Most of the time, this character uses explosives and rocket launchers as weapons. This character has a special ability of berserker rage mode. He use his huge hand to beat his enemies to death and he is in a crazy rage. The Moricadi character would be a Hunter style. This character is very strong at melee combat. He would use sniper rifles and revolvers. This character has the special ability of getting help from his pet Bloodwing, who uses its long range to attack his enemies. Also this character can scavenge for loot. Roland is a soldier style character. He was a member of Atlas Corporations private Crimson Lance army. This game is best used with a Soldier. This character is very strong using melee combat. He uses shotguns and assault rifles. This character has a special ability of using a automatic gun turret and can upgrade the range of this. The Lilith style character is one of the six known Sirens in the galaxy. This character has superhuman powers but cannot cope using them. This character is very strong in melee combat. She uses elemental tech weapons and guns. This character has a special ability of using phasewalk to run faster around the planet and make her invisible. Genre The genre is action. It is FPS (First Person Shooter) first person means when you can see your own feet, that is first person. Feedback The player can fight the enemy and both will show a HUD of their life. Also the player will level up to get better skills, for example, make one of the special abilities stronger. The player can target the enemy Skag to shoot it and it will show the hit points that are taken off the Skags life. Rewards The player can get rewards by kills the enemy and it will drop weapons and money. Crash Bash (Third Person Platform) Game-world and Setting The character must complete all 28 levels to win. The character player has challenges on each level to beat the other players. The aim is to win the trophies, crystals and gems. There are five Warp Rooms that are locked and the player can to unlock to gain the prize and it will open up new challenges. Characters The two good style characters are Crash and Coco from Crash Bash they are strong, quick and have spinning abilities. One boy has an orange body and blue trouser. The other one has big blonde hair and purple clothes. Some characters are the same in ability, but one is good and one is evil. The good character is Tiny, and the bad one is Koala King. They are both powerful, muscular, slow and have a kicking ability. Tiny has an orange body with a muscular shape, and green pants, Koala King has a gray body, with a muscular shape, and a red vest and yellow trousers. Another good/bad set of characters are Dingdoile and Rilla Roo. They are both strong, slow with a fat look and spinning abilities. Again, they both have the same movement and moves, the only difference are how they look. Dingdoile is a combination of Dingo and Crocodile, with a brown body and brown trousers. Rilla Roo is a combination of Gorilla and Kangaroo with a brown body and red and white striped trousers. Another set of good/bad characters with the same abilites are Neo Cortex and Nitrus Brio. They are both srong, quick and have a shooting ability. Neo Cortex has a large brain, with the letter N on his forehead, and wears a lab coat and has a black gun. Nitrus Brio has a long head with nuts and bolts, wears a white lab coat, and has a purple gun. These playable characters all have the same abilities of being able to walk, jump, spinning or kick or shoot and throw boxes. Genre The genre is adventure, action and platform. It is Third person look at that person where to go to and wide range. Feedback The player and the enemy NPC (Non Playable Characters) both will show the HUD to see their life and points. For example Crash picks up the box and throws it to Rilla Roo. The effect is Rilla Roo will be hurt, fall and his life will decrease. There is another example, Crash has to get on a pogo jumper to jump on all the boxes and gain points not life. Crash has rocket to shoot the Rilla Roo which will try to bomb him and slow him down. Rewards The player can get rewards by attacking an enemy to get; a good rocket to shoot the other player, a pogo jumper that moves faster to get all the boxes so other player cannot get them, and slow them down, meaning you can quickly get more points.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Rattle Bone :: essays research papers
Pieces of a Novel Puzzle “A novel or a collection of short stories?'; may be a question that a critic asks about Rattlebone. Maxine Clair portrays both arguments with her energetic writing style. A blend of random comments and many unique phrases intermix with the intense plot. Writing like this gives the reader a more relaxed state and the book seems more alive and real. In answer to the critique question, Maxine Clair is writing a novel because of an abundant supply of foreshadowing, a collection of narrators, a recurrence of characters, and a process commonly known to man as aging. Suggesting that Rattlebone is in fact a novel, foreshadowing occurred in several places during the book. Clair uses this writing method by mentioning the name October Brown, partly because Brown is involved at the beginning and towards the end of the book. Ms. Brown became an important part of Irene’s life, not only by being one of the main reasons for her parents’ divorce, but also by helping Irene accomplish one of her goals. The time that occurred between these two events in the book connects Rattlebone and is a very good use of foreshadowing. Another example of Clair’s use of this writing method is the experience of the divorce between Irene’s parents. This long-term process displayed Irene’s parents as being unforgiving. At first his wife forgives James Wilson for the affair that he enjoyed with October Brown, but after a period of time, Pearl also had her share of the fall in their relationship. At this time, neither one of Irene’s parents wo uld forgive the other nor make up with the other. This example again shows the use of foreshadowing by Clair by evolving the event over several chapters with different narrators. Irene, the narrator in several different stages of the divorce between her parents, speaks her feelings of disgust and always tries to keep her parents’ relationship together. Another side of the story comes from October Brown’s landlord, Mrs. Pemberton. Mrs. Pemberton wants nothing to do with the affair and therefor tries to separate the two lovers. Irene takes the stage again and reveals to the reader subconsciously, that her father is the man having the affair. The use of two narrators, each having a different look at the situation, may seem confusing to the reader at first, but once the chapters are all read and the whole story gets across, it becomes apparent why the change in narration was necessary.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A critical review of a story in the press Essay
The story I have chosen to review is about Derek Bond, a 72 year old pensioner from Bristol. Mr Bond was arrested by South African authorities, when he arrived for a family holiday with his wife in South Africa. Mr Bond was detained at the request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, on suspicion of being one of America’s most wanted criminals; the alleged crime a $4. 8 million telemarketing fraud. Fortunately, for Derek Bond it was a case of mistaken identity. Eventually he was released, with the help of media intervention after a traumatic three week ordeal, locked up, in a South African prison. The story broke in a television news broadcast by the BBC six o’ clock evening news, on Tuesday 25th February 2003. The story was published by the newspapers the following day, 26th February 2003. The two newspapers I have chosen to compare the story are, The Guardian, and The Daily Mirror. The Guardian is a politically left-of-centre broadsheet newspaper aimed at professional middle- class Britain. The Guardian uses formal vocabulary to report on the facts of a story it is writing about. The Guardian costs 55 pence to buy, and provides, national and international news, policy and politics section, finance, sport, theatre, art reviews, and finally human interest supplements. The Guardian offers extremely good value for money, over an average of 35 pages. In contrast, The Daily Mirror is a politically left-of-centre tabloid newspaper aimed at working- class Britain. The Daily Mirror uses informal vocabulary consisting of common words that are easily understood. This would indicate that it’s aimed at a lower readership, than The Guardian. The Daily Mirror costs 32 pence to buy, and provides, national news, showbiz gossip, advertising, holiday offers, horoscopes, television listings, finance, and, finally sport. On average, the reader will get 60-70 pages of coverage. ANALYSIS DAY ONE – THE GUARDIAN The coverage of the story began on Wednesday 26th February 2003. It was placed on page three of the newspaper on a day when front page news headlines focussed on, â€Å"War rebels challenge Blair,†about the up and coming war on Iraq. The article, in question was headlined, â€Å"The Name’s Bond – but is he a fraudster wanted by the FBI or a Bristol family man? †The headline was printed black on white, with an approximate letter size of one inch. The effect of this is a play on the catchphrase of James Bond 007 spy films, to create mystery and intrigue, and grasp the readers’ attention. Two feature photographs 5†³ wide, and 8†³ long, in size are placed directly beneath the headline. The photograph on the left hand side, of the real fugitive is in black and white print. This image shows him looking very sombre, similar to an FBI, â€Å"Mugshot†photograph. In contrast, the photograph of Mr Bond is in colour, portraying him as a respectable family man dressed in evening attire, smiling and looking very healthy. This obviously shows the contrast in style between the two men. A further two photographs appear directly beneath Mr Bond; one of the police station, in Durban where he was held, and the other a photograph of his three children. Both photographs are in colour and approximately 3†³ wide and 2†³ long, in size. The reason behind these two photographs is so the reader is given an insight where Mr Bond was held, and too see the look of pain and disbelief, on the faces, of his children. A sub-heading occupies the top left hand corner, which summarises the whole story. Emotive words have been used, â€Å"Victim,†and â€Å"Theft,†to attract and engage the readers’ attention. Different styles of typography have been used across the whole page. For example, a bold print dropped capital letter, one inch in size, at the beginning of the opening paragraph, to draw the eye of the reader, to the introduction, and not browse over the story to the end. Directly beneath the photograph of fugitive, Derek Sykes, alias Derek Bond, a different style of typography has been used, to show a comparable section in which comparisons are made between, what Mr Bonds family claim, and what the FBI claim is true. This has been highlighted by the use of a sub-heading in red bold print. In addition to this, bullet points have been used to divide the statements. ANALYSIS DAY ONE – THE DAILY MIRROR The coverage of the story also began on Wednesday 26th February 2003. The story was placed on page nineteen of the newspaper, in contrast to The Guardian where the story was placed on page three. This means that The Guardian, considers the story of rather more importance, than The Daily Mirror. Two totally different headlines stole front page coverage, firstly, â€Å"Is Richard the No 1 VILLAIN in TV soap history? †Secondly, â€Å"MUTINY- 100-plus Labour rebels to defy Blair over Iraq. †This is typical of a tabloid news headline; TV soap is given priority over the Iraq crisis. The story began with a bold print capitalised headline, â€Å"THE NAME’S BOND †¦ †The letters are one inch in size. The headline is similar to The Guardian, but leads the reader on to the next part of the page. The typography of White on Black has been used to highlight two sub-heading statements, which are as follows: â€Å"Is he a toupee wearing $4. 8m fraudster and one of the FBI’S most wanted criminals†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Or a balding 72-year-old wine-tasting Rotarian who lives in Bristol? †Each statement has a letter size of half an inch, and is placed in a 3†³ squared black box, creating maximum effect of the WOB. Directly beneath the first statement is a round photograph of fugitive Derek Sykes, in black and white, 3†³ in diameter. The photograph used by The Daily Mirror, is identical to The Guardian, but is scaled down in size and a different shape. In addition, a photograph of Mr Bond is placed directly beneath the second statement. Basically, this reveals who, The Daily Mirror thinks is the real, and false, fugitive. Furthermore, a photograph of Mr Bond’s children appears beneath the main headline, which is black and white, and 2†³ squared in size. The photograph is different to the one used by The Guardian; it’s in a different place, and in addition is not posed. It seems to have been taken by chance, rather than with consent from the family. ANALYSIS DAY 2 – THE GUARDIAN By the following day, Mr Bond had been released as the FBI’s mistake was acknowledged. The story on day 2 is given front page priority. A sub- heading in red bold print is placed as a footnote; the footnote reads, â€Å"Good news for Mr Bond,†followed by a brief summary, and the reader is directed to page 3, where the story continues. In addition, to the footnote a cartoon caption appears next to the directional pointer, which is sarcastically laughing at the incompetence, of the FBI.
Friday, November 8, 2019
12 Famous Artists on What Art Means to Them
12 Famous Artists on What Art Means to Them For an artist, the canvas is a mouthpiece. The artist speaks with vibrant colors, bold strokes, and fine lines. She whispers her secrets, shares her passion, expresses her anguish, and taunts your sensibilities. Are you ready to hear the language of art? Art inspires people. Consider the works of Michelangelo, Picasso, or Leonardo da Vinci. People throng to museums to admire their work. Their paintings, murals, and sculptures are subjects of deep academic interest. These great artists lived several centuries ago, yet their work continues to inspire new generations of artists. Famous Artists and What They Say About Art These quotes from 12 famous artists provide insight into the art world. Their words infuse a new surge of creativity. They urge you to get inspired to pick up your paintbrush and palette. Brett WhiteleyAustralian avant-garde artist Brett Whiteley continues to spur the creativity of artists, and common people, across the world. He won Australia’s most respected award, Archibald, the Wynne, and Sulman, twice. Whiteley created his art in Italy, England, Fiji, and the U.S. Art should astonish, transmute, transfix. One must work at the tissue between truth and paranoia. Edward HopperAmerican realist painter and printmaker Edward Hopper was famous for oil paintings, but he also made his mark as a watercolorist and etchings. Regular American life and the people were two of Hopper’s muses. If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint. Francis BaconIrish-British figurative painter Francis Bacon is best known for the boldness of his art. The imagery that he used was raw and evocative. He is best known for his works, Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion (1944), Study for Self-Portrait (1982), and Study for a Self Portrait - Triptych (1985-86). The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery. Picasso is the reason why I paint. He is the father figure who gave me the wish to paint. MichelangeloOne of the best-known painters and artists from the Renaissance age, Michelangelo and his works have shaped western art. The Italian sculptor, painter, poet, architect, and engineer is famous for painting the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling and depicting The Last Judgment on the wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. He was also the architect of St. Peter’s Basilica. If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldnt seem so wonderful at all. Pablo PicassoSpanish artist Pablo Picasso has been one of the most powerful artists of the 20th century. He co-pioneered the Cubist movement and is most well-known for works such as proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937). As a child, I drew like Raphael but it has taken me a lifetime to draw like a child. Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. Paul GardnerScottish painter Paul Gardner espouses European and Scottish artistic conventions through this art. Buddhism and Eastern philosophy have been his major influences. A painting is never finished - it simply stops in interesting places. Paul GauguinFrench post-Impressionist artist Paul Gauguin received true recognition only posthumously. His style of experimenting with colors made him stand apart from Impressionists. Gauguin was an important member of the Symbolist movement, and it led to the creation of the Synthetist style, Primitivism, and return to pastoral styles. I shut my eyes in order to see. Rachel WolfRachel Wolf is an American artist and freelance editor. She has edited numerous books on painting such as Keys to Painting: Fur and Feathers, Watercolor Secrets, Strokes of Genius: The Best of Drawing, among others. Color is fun, color is just plain gorgeous, a gourmet meal for the eye, the window of the soul. Frank ZappaAmerican musician Frank Zappa made music for over three decades. He played rock, jazz, and other kinds of music while also directing films and music videos. Zappa was feted with the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997. Art is making something out of nothing and selling it. Lucian FreudGerman-born British painter Lucian Freud was celebrated for his impasto portrait and figure paintings. His art has a psychological angle and often explores the uncomfortable connection between the artist and the model. The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real. Paul CezannePaul Cezanne was a French artist and post-Impressionist painter. Paul Cezanne is responsible for providing a link between the 19th century Impressionism and 20th century Cubism. Cezanne’s charm lay in the fact that even though critics trashed him, younger artists revered him during his lifetime. There is a logic of colors, and it is with this alone, and not with the logic of the brain, that the painter should conform. Robert DelaunayFrench artist Robert Delaunay started the Orphism art movement along with his wife, Sonia. His art used symmetrical shapes, and in later life became more abstract. Painting is by nature a luminous language.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Ace Of Aces
Ace of Aces: Eddie Rickenbacker Anyone in search of a definition for a â€Å"warrior†can do it with one word, Rickenbacker. Captain Eddie Rickenbacker became the American ace of aces during World War I by having more victories than any American pilot of that war or any other. By the end of the war in 1918, Rickenbacker had destroyed twenty-two airplanes and four balloons, bringing his total to twenty-six. The next highest American pilot had a total of eighteen, with fourteen of the kills being balloons. Rickenbacker by nature demonstrated rare leadership, courage, and skill as a pilot, all of which proved to be valuable attributes, both as a solider and later as the commander of the 94th Aero Squadron. Eddie Rickenbacker, was born in Columbus, Ohio, on October 8, 1890, the son of Swiss immigrants William and Elizabeth Reichenbacher.[1] At a very young age, some claiming twelve while others said he was fourteen, Rickenbacker’s father was murdered and Eddie dropped out of school and worked at various jobs to help support the family. â€Å"While still in his teens he took a position with the Frayer-Miller Air-Cooled Car Company, a move which proved to be a turning point in his life†(Hudson 72). In his spare time he would take correspondence courses in mechanical engineering and draftsmanship. In 1910, Rickenbacker became a professional racecar driver and by 1917 he was one of the top drivers in the world earning upwards of $40,000 a year. The tools he learned as a racecardriver and his natural talent to control his car at high speeds will come in handy when he becomes a fighter pilot. When the United States entered the war in 1917, Rickenbacker was in England organizing a racing team for the Sunbeam Motor Company. When he came back to the States, he went to Washington and proposed creating an air squadron made up solely of racecar drivers. â€Å"He reasoned that their quick reflexes, their know... Free Essays on Ace Of Aces Free Essays on Ace Of Aces Ace of Aces: Eddie Rickenbacker Anyone in search of a definition for a â€Å"warrior†can do it with one word, Rickenbacker. Captain Eddie Rickenbacker became the American ace of aces during World War I by having more victories than any American pilot of that war or any other. By the end of the war in 1918, Rickenbacker had destroyed twenty-two airplanes and four balloons, bringing his total to twenty-six. The next highest American pilot had a total of eighteen, with fourteen of the kills being balloons. Rickenbacker by nature demonstrated rare leadership, courage, and skill as a pilot, all of which proved to be valuable attributes, both as a solider and later as the commander of the 94th Aero Squadron. Eddie Rickenbacker, was born in Columbus, Ohio, on October 8, 1890, the son of Swiss immigrants William and Elizabeth Reichenbacher.[1] At a very young age, some claiming twelve while others said he was fourteen, Rickenbacker’s father was murdered and Eddie dropped out of school and worked at various jobs to help support the family. â€Å"While still in his teens he took a position with the Frayer-Miller Air-Cooled Car Company, a move which proved to be a turning point in his life†(Hudson 72). In his spare time he would take correspondence courses in mechanical engineering and draftsmanship. In 1910, Rickenbacker became a professional racecar driver and by 1917 he was one of the top drivers in the world earning upwards of $40,000 a year. The tools he learned as a racecardriver and his natural talent to control his car at high speeds will come in handy when he becomes a fighter pilot. When the United States entered the war in 1917, Rickenbacker was in England organizing a racing team for the Sunbeam Motor Company. When he came back to the States, he went to Washington and proposed creating an air squadron made up solely of racecar drivers. â€Å"He reasoned that their quick reflexes, their know...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Singapore Healthcare vs. Us healthcare Research Paper
Singapore Healthcare vs. Us healthcare - Research Paper Example ow that people of Singapore are healthier than Americans although the government of Singapore pays only 20 percent of what the US government spends on the healthcare system. For instance, United States’ life expectancy of 78 years in comparison with Singapore’s 82 years enforce this fact. Again the mortality rate of the former amounts to around 6.4 for every 1000 births of living babies while in case of Singapore it is 2.3 deaths for the same size of group. When the number of caregivers of United States is compared with Singapore one tends to get a ratio of 9.4 to 4.2 nurses, 2.6 to 1.4 doctors, six to one dentists and 3 to one pharmacists respectively. When the healthcare spending is taken into account it leaves one with further shock because US incurs an expenditure of 15.4 percent of GDP while Singapore allots only 3.7 percent of their GDP to healthcare activities. The idea is to let people take care of their health. Singapore follows strictly policy with respect to public smoking, throwing around wastes, chewing gums and all of these activities result in fines. (Callick, 2008) However these policies have helped in enforcing the health consciousness within people. More than anything, the state funds merely 25 percent of the total health related costs incurred by the people of Singapore. Again while Singapore ends up undergoing a public expense of $381 per capita, US spend seven times of the same. The state’s strategy is so devised that finally the individuals and the employers end up incurring rest of the expenses. The Singaporean Health Ministry can be quotes saying, â€Å"Patients are expected to co-pay part of their medical expenses and to pay more when they demand a higher level of service. At the same time, government subsidies help to keep basic healthcare affordable†(Callick, 2008) The Singapore model works because the responsibility is not in the hands of the profit making insurers or the generosity of the government. It rather rests in the hand
Friday, November 1, 2019
An analytical paper of the short story summer by Edith Wharton Essay
An analytical paper of the short story summer by Edith Wharton - Essay Example Then she remembered his sudden pause when he had come close to the desk and had his first look at her. The sight had made him forget what he was going to say; she recalled the change in his face, and jumping up she ran over the bare boards to her washstand, found the matches, lit a candle, and lifted it to the square of looking-glass on the white-washed wall. Her small face, usually so darkly pale, glowed like a rose in the faint orb of light, and under her rumpled hair her eyes seemed deeper and larger than by day. Perhaps after all it was a mistake to wish they were blue. A clumsy band and button fastened her unbleached night-gown about the throat. She undid it, freed her thin shoulders, and saw herself a bride in low-necked satin, walking down an aisle with Lucius Harney. He would kiss her as they left the church....She put down the candle and covered her face with her hands as if to imprison the kiss.†(Edith Wharton, Summer, Ch.III) The vocabulary used in the above passage is powerfully suggestive. It explores the two central themes of the novel – ‘different social classes’ and ‘sexual awakening’. "Its no use trying to be anything in this place," – this line only echoes the sexual repression of her times. The arrival of Lucius Harney had evoked in her, a sense of being ‘the other’. She now, more than ever, began to feel the burden of her improper lineage. It aroused in her – both, a sense of shame and a sense of envy. Despite her lower social ranking, she increasingly seems to become aware of her growing desires. This passage traces the beginning of Charity’s awakening to a new sense of self. The simile, â€Å"glowed like a rose†is provocative in implication. She experiences a growing passion when she â€Å"freed her thin shoulders†. The imagery used in these lines boldly shows how liberating and satisfying awareness of sexuality can be. This physical awakening heralds her
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