Tuesday, September 24, 2019

History of the Modernity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

History of the Modernity - Essay Example These ideologies were given names suffixed with 'ism' to the principle governing theory; like, Radicalism (Radical-ism), Republicanism, Socialism, Nationalism, Conservatism, and Classical Liberalism. They had their origination in the Enlightenment era which had like thinkers Rene Descartes, Voltaire and Jean Jacques-Rousseau. Rousseau argued for liberty, and demand for equality of men. In The Social Contract he states, "the human race would perish unless it changed its manner of life." (p. 34) This brief essay shall try to answer some questions associated with the above period of European history, such as: the impact of the changes in European cities between 1815 and 1850, the impact of Industrial Revolution on the urban landscape, the appraisal of problems of by contemporaries regarding the social cost of the Industrial Revolution and the interpretation of modern historians interpret those costs. In the process it shall envisage an understanding of the subject, in terms of the impact of technological revolution that drove industrial revolution, and ideological changes that effected political changes in countries like France, Britain and indeed whole of Europe. In Britain, M Changes in the European Cities (years 1815-50) In Britain, Manchester had more than about "four hundred thousand inhabitants" (Engels p. 39) and gives a vivid picture of industrial pollution already making the river water "narrow, coal-black, foul-smelling stream, full of debris and refuse" (p.41). His record indicates that a railway line was already established between Leeds and Liverpool. The industrial boom in Manchester is further indicated by his record that there were "tanneries, bone mills and gas-works" (p.41) Manchester, had all the water, railway connection to carry raw materials and its cotton-manufacture-conducive climate, made it and important industrial town. Richard Guest records of the cotton manufacturing activities in Manchester and other cities of England, "In 1818, there were in Manchester, Stockport, Middleton, Hyde, Stayley Bridge, and their vicinities, fourteen factories, containing about two thousand Looms" the same increased to 32 in 1821, with 5732 looms; and since then it only steadily increased. Coal was also mined and at collieries in some places like Yorkshire and Lancashire, East of Scotland and South Wales, women workers were also engaged (Parliamentary Papers, 1842, Vol XVI, pp. 24, 196). 'Chartism' or the radical movement of the English working class, came out with a "People's Charter" (1837) with six points, which was submitted to the British Parliament in the year 1838. The development in Russia/Poland was more political in nature, with Poland declaring independence from Russia in St. Petersburg, in the year 1932, in order ensure "the continuance of all the essential requisites for the happiness of individuals, and of the country in general, namely, security of persons and property, liberty of conscience, and all the laws and privileges of towns and communes" (Hordynacki pp. 424-428) Vienna and the rest of Europe in general seem to be more under the influence of

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