Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Scheme of Work Essay Example Essay Example
Scheme of Work Essay Example Paper Scheme of Work Essay Introduction Laboratory equipment safety?Sensory evaluation -Understand the importance of safety when conducting experiments -Plan carry out experimental work to test food preparation and processes -Conduct a simple food sensory test -Introduction to Design Folio and grading scheme Assignment to be given to students A simple sensory test on fruit juices 2SCIENCE of food preparation?Reasons for cooking food Heat transference?Methods of cooking -Explain reasons for cooking food -Describe how heat is transferred when food is cooked by conduction, convection, radiation and microwave -Describe the principles of the different methods of cooking Baking – biscuits (bake at different levels in oven – compare heat zones) 1PROTEINS Reactions in food during preparation and cooking-State the elements of proteins -List the sources of proteins -Explain the functions of proteins in the diet -Differentiate between; Indispensable and dispensable amino acids and give examples? High and low biologica l value proteins and give examples -Define denaturation, coagulation, gelatinisation and maillard browning -Explain the advantages of the above various reactions on food preparation and cookingFood test on protein (pg. 11 Anita Tull) Egg omelette – denaturation coagulation Omelette filling – gelatinisation Scones – maillard browning Written test – methods of cooking and heat transference D/N – Duration FOOD NUTRITION SCHEME OF WORK 2004 CARBO-HYDRATES Reactions in food during preparation and cooking-State the elements of carbohydrates -List the sources of carbohydrates -Explain the functions of carbohydrates in the diet -Differentiate between the types of carbohydrates – monosaccharide disaccharide and polysaccharide and give examples -Define dextrinisation -Explain the advantages of the above reaction on food preparation and cookingFood test on carbohydrates (pg. 11 Anita Tull) Biscuits – dextrinisation Written test – protei n 1FATS Reactions in food during preparation and cooking-State the elements of fats -List the sources of fats -Explain the functions of fats in the diet -Differentiate between the types of fats – saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated and give examples -Define emulsion, enzymic browning and oxidation -Explain the advantages of the above various reactions on food preparation and cookingFrench dressing – using different oils (olive oil, butter vegetable oil) Emulsion Test on prevention of enzymic browning in fruits 1VITAMINS-List the sources of vitamins A,B,C,D,E K Classify them into fat (A,D,E K) and water soluble (B thiamin, riboflavin, nicotine acid, folic acid, B6, B12) and C (ascorbic acid) -Compare and contrast the functions of the vitamins -Discuss the need for vitamin supplements in the dietWritten test – fats and carbohydrates 1MINERALS-List the sources of minerals calcium, phosphorous, iron, sodium chloride, potassium and iodine -Explain the f unctions of the minerals -Discuss the need for mineral supplements in the dietWritten test – vitamins 1WATER DIETARY FIBRE-Explain the importance of water in the body -Define dietary fibre (NSP) Classify dietary fibre and name their sources?Soluble (non-cellulose eg. pectin and gums in fruit, vegetables, legumes and cereals)? Insoluble (cellulose eg. stems, leaves of vegetables, coverings and seeds of grains) Scheme of Work Essay Body Paragraphs Explain the functions of dietary fibre in the dietWritten test – minerals FOOD NUTRITION SCHEME OF WORK 2004 TERM 2 D/NCHAPTERSCONTENTSACTIVITIES 2HEALTH PROBLEMS associated with diet-Define the term malnutrition (as a lack of balance in the diet due to a shortage / excess of particular nutrients) -Discuss the common health problems associated with diet: Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, colorectal cancer, coronary heart diseases, osteoporosis, anaemia, night-blindness, eating disorders -Explain how inadequate / excessive intake of nutrients are linked to health problems -Infer form data the relationship between diet and health problemsSurf the internet for information – www. fitforlife. com www. mayohealth. org. com www. healthwell. com www. geocities. com www. nutrition. com Written test – water and dietary fibre 2MEAL PLANNING AND MEAL ANALYSIS?Balanced diet?Factors to consider Explain the term â€Å"balanced diet†-Elaborate on the importance of having a balanced diet -Identify the factors to consider when planning meals;?Physiological: age, gender, metabolic rate, level of physical activity, health status? Psychological: individual preferences, emotional needs, food as punishment / reward? Environmental: ethnic customs and traditions, religions, parental / peer / media influence? Social and economic: value for money, shopping trends and facilities -Deduce from data gathered through interviews / surveys the extent media has n consumer’s food choicesWritten test / online test – health problems FOOD NUTRITION SCHEME OF WORK 2004 D/NCHAPTERSCONTENTSACTIVITIES 2HEALTHY MEALS Guidelines Calorie intake Identify the Singapore National Dietary Guidelines (SNDG) and explain how each can be applied to plan healthy meals:? Eat a variety fo foods?Maintain desirable body weight?Reduce total fat intake?Reduce sugar intake?Reduce salt intake?Increase dietary fibre?Modify and create recipes to suit different dietary needs -State t he unit measurement for energy (KJ, Kcal) Explain the concept of energy balance -Apply knowledge and understanding when planning and preparing meals to meet different requirements -Analyze, modify / create and evaluate meals using nutritional tools such as the Healthy Diet Pyramid, Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances (RDA) and Food Composition Tables Worksheet – to calculate the RDA and modify a week’s menus for a specific group of people Written test – meal planning 1FOOD LABELS-Identify the basic food information of a food label -Differentiate between a food label and a nutrition label Interpret and apply information found on nutrition labels eg. serving sizes, list of nutrients, % daily values, calorie conversion guide -Deduce from the information given on nutrition labels to make a better choice -Correlate nutritional information found on nutrition labels to an individual’s RDA requirement -Explain the following nutritional claims used on food labels :? â€Å"Free†eg. sugar free, fat free?†Low†, â€Å"less†eg. low fat, low cholesterol, low calorie, less fat? â€Å"Light†, â€Å"lite†?†More†, â€Å"enriched†, â€Å"fortified†â€Å"Reduced†-Differentiate the above nutritional claims -Identify the possible errors on food labels eg. cholesterol free, low fat Hand in assignment Design a food label using food works software. FOOD NUTRITION SCHEME OF WORK 2004 TERM 3 D/NCHAPTERSCONTENTSACTIVITIES 1MEAT-List the nutritive composition of meat -Compare and contrast the nutritional composition of different food commodities -Choose food in relation to cost, quality and nutritive value -Select and store perishable and dry foods Use a variety of foods in the preparation of meals (including TVP) -Investigate and compare a particular food commodityExperiment on effects of heat on meat 1FISH-List the nutritive composition of fish -Compare and contrast the nutritional c omposition of different food commodities -Choose food in relation to cost, quality and nutritive value -Select and store perishable and dry foods -Use a variety of foods in the preparation of meals (including TVP) -Investigate and compare a particular food commodityExperiment on effects of heat on fish Written test – meat 1EGGS-List the nutritive composition of eggs Compare and contrast the nutritional composition of different food commodities -Choose food in relation to cost, quality and nutritive value -Select and store perishable and dry foods -Use a variety of foods in the preparation of meals (including TVP) -Investigate and compare a particular food commodityExperiment on effects of heat on egg Written test – fish 1DAIRY PRODUCTS-List the nutritive composition of dairy products -Compare and contrast the nutritional composition of different food commodities -Choose food in relation to cost, quality and nutritive value -Select and store perishable and dry foods Use a variety of foods in the preparation of meals (including TVP) -Investigate and compare a particular food commodityExperiment on effects of heat on cheese and milk Written test – eggs FOOD NUTRITION SCHEME OF WORK 2004 D/NCHAPTERSCONTENTSACTIVITIES 1CEREALS-List the nutritive composition of cereals Compare and contrast the nutritional composition of different food commodities -Choose food in relation to cost, quality and nutritive value -Select and store perishable and dry foods Use a variety of foods in the preparation of meals (including TVP) -Investigate and compare a particular food commodityWritten test – dairy products Food test on flour – Bake small cakes using different types of flour and compare results 1FRUITS VEGETABLES-List the nutritive composition of fruits and vegetables -Compare and contrast the nutritional composition of different food commodities -Choose food in relation to cost, quality and nutritive value -Select and store perishable and d ry foods Use a variety of foods in the preparation of meals (including TVP) -Investigate and compare a particular food commodityExperiment on effects of heat on fruits and vegetables Written test – cereals 2SCIENCE of food processing?Food handling?Microbial and chemical spoilage?Food preservation -Practice safe handling of food -State causes of food spoilage -Suggest ways to avoid and reduce the risk of food spoilage when preparing and storing a range of foods -Explain the advantages of micro-organisms in foods -State the function and purpose of food preservation List and explain the additives commonly found in food such as salt, sugar, vinegar, sodium nitrate, flavourings, colourings etc. Written test – fruits and vegetables Experiment on food preservation FOOD NUTRITION SCHEME OF WORK 2003 D/NCHAPTERSCONTENTSACTIVITIES 2DIGESTION-Describe briefly the process of digestion and absorption -State the action of digestive juices and enzymes on nutrients -Explain the absor ption of nutrients in the small intestinesCD-ROM and worksheet Written test – food preservation 4PART B -To carry out Part B of the assignmentWritten test – digestion We will write a custom essay sample on Scheme of Work Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Scheme of Work Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Scheme of Work Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
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