Monday, December 30, 2019
Essay Report on The Role of the Foreign Service in Promoting Womens Rights in Afghanistan
Essay Report on The Role of the Foreign Service in Promoting Womens Rights in Afghanistan In the essay Empowering Women: Rebuilding Society: The Role of the Foreign Service in Promoting Womens Rights in Afghanistan, Eva Lam denotes what the US Foreign Service does in order to make sure that Afghan women are no longer oppressed because of their gender. Despite concerns of imperialism and unwanted interference in the religious culture of another, the initiatives that are being exercised by the Foreign Office do indeed promote womens rights in Afghanistan, and are ultimately the best thing to do. The programs of the Foreign Office are comprehensive, helpful and pervasive in helping women exert power they were heretofore refused because of the culture in which they lived. By pointing out the gender inequality of Afghan culture, the various economic and cultural detriments are made clear, and steps have been taken to increase education for women, as well as granting them more political power and representation. This way, womens rights can be advocated for by the people who live there, and not just foreign dignitaries and military forces. There are concerns that there are Muslim women who agree with their place in traditional Muslim culture, and for whom these changes may be intrusive in their own right. Some can argue about the fact that this is a foreign country, with their own sets of rules and norms, and it can seem arrogant and presumptuous to impose one societys beliefs over anothers. With this sort of invasion of policy comes the threatened Americanization of the world, where we change everything to suit our own values. The basic human rights issues that took place in Afghanistan under Taliban rule underline the need for foreign intervention, if only for the physical and emotional welfare issues regarding the oppressed Afghan women. Despite the concerns of imperialism, the fact that noncompliant Muslim women are given such terrible fates as death, mutilation and rape, it is the obligation of those who can take action to do so. In the case of the US Foreign Office, they are offering Muslim women the freedom to take action and free themselves from objectively oppressive rule and subjugation. In conclusion, Lams thesis that the Foreign Office helps Afghan women by providing them with the skills and education to make a life for themselves independently is correct. Arming women with the basic know-how to make it in their own country leaves them less in danger of being harmed in a physical way, and can free those who choose from the oppression of Taliban and traditional Muslim rule. However, it must be made clear that Muslim women who do choose to take a more traditional path are allowed to do so. To force them to do otherwise would be a gross invasion of their culture, and a means of merely spreading Western ideals to foreign countries. As it stands, the situation is to merely give those who would like an option to rise above their submissive station the chance to do so.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Preventing Risky Alcohol Use And Treating Problematic Use
Alcohol Use and Youth: Preventing Risky Alcohol Use and Treating Problematic Use Monica Monroy PH 456 June 6, 2015 Alcohol in the United States is a widely used and a socially acceptable substance for adults of legal drinking age. According to SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use, more than half of Americans ages 12 and older have used alcohol within the past month. The focus of this paper is on the portion of Americans who are not allowed to legally purchase or consume alcohol, but still count as alcohol users. This portion of Americans is referred to as youth. Their age range is defined by SAMHSA as being between the ages 12-20. This age range is also known as â€Å"underage†or under the age in which one can consume or purchase alcohol legally. We will examine how use of alcohol within these ages can potentially increase the risk of developing alcohol use disorders and other adverse health effects and behaviors which can carry into adulthood while also acknowledging prevention methods and treatment for alcohol use in youth. Since a standard of alcohol use for youth does not exist, we will use standards developed for adults of legal drinking age. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism categorizes a standard drink as any drink containing 14 grams of pure alcohol (NIAAA, 2013). A standard drink can be quantified as: 12 ounces of beer, 8 ounces of malt liquor, 5 ounces of table wine, and 1.5 ounces of hard liquor (NIAAA, 2013). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Logistic Free Essays
1. Consider the supply chain for a domestic automobile. a. We will write a custom essay sample on Logistic or any similar topic only for you Order Now What are the components of the supply chain for the automobile? b. What are the different firms involved in the supply chain? c. What are the objectives of these firms? d. Provide examples of conflicting objectives in this supply chain. e. What are the risks that rare or unexpected events pose to this supply chain? a. b. c. d. e. Pick any car model manufactured by a domestic auto maker. For example, consider the 2002 Ford Thunderbird. a. The supply chain for a car typically includes the following components:: 1. Suppliers for raw materials 2. Suppliers for parts and subsystems 3. Automobile manufacturer (Ford, in the example). Within a company, there are also different departments, which constitute the internal supply chain: i. Purchasing and material handling ii. Manufacturing iii. Marketing, etc. 4. Transportation providers 5. Automobile dealers b. Many firms are involved in the supply chain. 1. Raw material suppliers. For instance, suppliers for steel, rubber, plastics, etc. 2. Parts suppliers. For instance, suppliers for engines, steering wheels, seats, and electronic components, etc. 3. Automobile manufacturer. For instance, Ford. 4. Transportation providers. For instance, shippers, trucking companies, railroads, etc. 5. Automobile dealers. For instance, Hayward Ford. c. All companies involved in the supply chain want to maximize their respective profits by increasing revenue and decreasing cost. However, companies may employ different strategies in order to achieve this goal. Some of them focus on customer satisfaction and quick delivery, while others may be more concerned about minimizing inventory holding costs. d. In general, different parts of the supply chain have objectives that are not aligned with each other. 1. Purchasing: Stable order quantities, flexible delivery lead times and little variation in mix. 2. Manufacturing: Long production runs, high quality, high productivity and low production costs. 3. Warehousing: Low inventory, reduced transportation costs and quick replenishment capability. 4. Customers: Short order lead times, a large variety of products and low prices. e. Typically, the automobile dealer would like to offer a variety of car colors and configurations to accommodate different customer preferences, and meanwhile have a short delivery lead time from the manufacturer. However, in order to maximize the length of production runs, and utilize resources more efficiently, the manufacturer would like to aggregate orders from different dealers and offer less variety in car configurations. This is a clear example of conflicting marketing and manufacturing goals. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 2. Consider a consumer mortgage offered by a bank. a. What are the components of the supply chain for the mortgage? . Is there more than one firm involved in the supply chain? What are the objectives of the firm or firms? c. What are the similarities between product and service supply chains? What are the differences? a. b. c. a. The supply chain for a consumer mortgage offered by a bank may involve various components. 1. Marketing companies that handle solicitation to potential customers. 2. Credit reporting agencies that evaluate potential customers. 3. The bank that extends the mortgage loans. 4. Mortgage brokers through which the loans are distributed. . The marketing companies strive to increase the response rate from homebuyers in order to maximize their returns. Banks aim at a customer portfolio with a relatively low risk, healthy flow of payments and low average loan maturity date. The brokers would like to maximize their sales commissions. c. Similar to product supply chains, the objective of a service supply chain is to provide what is needed (in this case, a particular type of service, rather than a physical product) at the right location, at the right time, and in a form that conforms to customer requirements while minimizing system wide costs. However, there are a number of differences between the two types of supply chains. For instance: 1. In a product supply chain, there is both a flow of information and physical products. In a service supply chain, it is primarily information. 2. Contrary to a service supply chain, transportation and inventory are major cost components in a product supply chain. 3. Services typically cannot be held in inventory, so matching capacity with demand is frequently more important in a service supply chain. 4. In a service supply chain, the (explicit) cost of information is higher than in a product supply chain. Note that in the mortgage example above, the bank has to compensate the credit reporting agency for each credit report it obtains. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- 3. What is an example of a supply chain that has evolved over time? Many supply chains evolve over time. For example, consider a memory chip supply chain. Production strategies may change during different stages of the product life cycle. When a new memory chip is introduced, price is high, yield is low, and production capacity is tight, and the availability of the product is important. Consequently, production is usually done at plants close to markets, and the management focuses on increasing yield, reducing the number of production disruptions, and fully utilizing capacity. When the product matures, however, its price drops and demand is stabilized for a period of time, so minimizing production cost moves to center stage. To reduce costs, production may be outsourced to overseas foundries, where labor and materials are much cheaper. How to cite Logistic, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The motilities approach to tourism regions -
Question: Discuss aboutThe motilities approach to tourism regions. Answer: Introduction: Commonwealth games are the biggest sporting spectacular and largest sporting event in Australia that will be held at Gold coast. It is an international event and it will be hosted by Australia on wider platform ever. There will be more than 65000 official participates and athletes and is expected to attract more than 100000 international and domestic visitors every day. However, it is well known facts that everything has its pros and cons. Hosting of such great sporting event will undoubtedly help in raising economic condition of country ( 2018). Nonetheless, some issues are associated with Commonwealth games to be held in 2018. Attraction of huge tourists volume will have considerable impact on daily lives of people as there will be heavy traffic and there will be problematic car parking and transportation. Moreover, Queensland will experience pollution and will be over crowded. Pollution is enhanced due to tourists using plastics and helium balloons at the sporti ng event. It is considered as in issue because Gold coast is more close to ocean and it will be having more canals. It is quite possible of getting those canals polluted because of using helium balloons and using plastics.Queensland being a water-based city has a high chance of getting its marine life polluted due to using plastics. Furthermore, Gold coast is already having some disruption erupting from construction of light rail leading to occasional local grizzle and some traffic drama. When tourists go back to their home country, city will have to spend on setting up infrastructure and it will not be priceless. Issues relating to environment such as pollution, traffic drama,transportation, car-parking issue due to overcrowd are likely to evolve in 2018 Common wealth games (McKercher and Tung 2015). In nutshell, it can be said that environmental sustainability is one of the main issues concerning Common wealth games 2018 in Queensland. Significance of chosen issue for future development and growth of Tourism and Hospitality industries: The main issues that are likely to evolve from the Common wealth games 2018 in Queensland is related to sustainability of environment. It has been ascertained from some research that natural environments and excellent beauty of Australia are core strength of offerings from global tourism. One of the stronger potential draw card for international and domestic visitors in Australia are the unique natural assets of Gold coast in the world where there is disappearance of ecological habits ( 2018). Therefore, protecting natural assets of Gold coast where Common wealth games will be held is of utmost importance for Australia. For the tourism operators, sustainable tourism has become the buzz word as it lead to incorporation of balance between various dimensions of tourism development such as environmental and socio cultural. Sustainability goes beyond maintaining natural environment as it takes into consideration the economic and social impact of sporting events and associated games. Environmental integrity of regarded as one of the pillars of sustainable tourisms. Some of the key elements of sustainable tourism development are maintaining essential ecological processes, optimally utilizing resources of environment and requirement of conserving biodiversity and natural heritage (Cohen and Cohen 2015). Maintaining environmental sustainability helps city and country as a whole in generating economic growth. Sustainable development is envisaged as resource management in a way that helps in fulfilling social, economic and aesthetic needs along with maintaining essential ecological process, cultural integrity, life support system and biological diversity. Tourist visiting Australia finds the costal lifestyle most appealing followed by rainforest and wildlife and thereby maintenance of such environmental facet s is relevant. Future development of hospitality and tourism industry in Australia depends largely on management of environmental resources and maintaining environmental sustainability ( 2018). Conclusion and Proposing recommendations for solving the issue: Environmental sustainability is one of the major issues concerning Common wealth games 2018, Queensland that should be addressed for promoting growth and development of hospitality and tourism industry. City is becoming increasingly acquainted of enforcing and adopting some effective measures for protecting environment in the light of growing degradation of environment either directly or indirectly from hosting such large sporting event. Visit of such large volume of tourist leads to imposition of veritable challenge in terms of building sustainable environment ( 2018). It is required that such sustainability issues arising from sporting event hosting at Gold coast to be addressed at all levels such as industry, academia, in cooperation with policy makers, stakeholders and general public. Some of the recommendations for resolving the issues related to Common wealth games are as follows: Transport management- Transportation is regarded as critical factor for the success of Common wealth games, 2018. There needs to be careful investment and planning when proposing strategic transport plan during the hosting of such events. In order to host a great common wealth, 2018, it is essential that transport partners are working closely with local business and residents (McKercher and Tung 2015). City should employ a sustainable transportation system that operates efficiently and are affordable. Such transportation system should have the capacity of limiting waste and emissions so that they can be absorbed by planet, minimize the production of noise and land usage. It should emphasize on consumption of non-renewable resource for yielding sustainability. Moreover, invest should be made in waterways infrastructure Minimizing impact on environment resources- Government and policy makers of sporting events should take appropriate steps that minimize the impact of hosting of such events on ecosystem stability and supporting biodiversity. Measures featuring adjusted usage of land, public services, supporting livability and enhancement of public health, safety and security of local people, tourist and residents of Gold coast. Some of the measures that can be taken for minimizing impact on environment resources are tree selection, diverse plantation, wildlife crossings, porous pavement, infiltration basins for storm water, using of renewable fuels, reclamation of demolitation materials and minimizing the footprint of infrastructure building and venue creation for such events (Fairley et al. 2016). Tacking pollution- Pollution is one of the uncontrollable aspects of Common wealth games, 2018 and addressing of pollution should form a part of legacy policy of Gold coast. Athletes, tourists from different countries and other people should be provided adequate knowledge of environmental activities that helps in making environment pollution less. There should be increased recognition of the factors such as pollution that have damaging impacts on nature. Current tourism policies should incorporate a clear preventive approach and strategies for addressing pollution. Reduced use of plastics and helium balloons should be encouraged among tourists by acquainting them with adverse impact of pollution on well being of human and welfare of society as a whole (McKercher and Tung 2015). Tourists should be encouraged to embrace public, active transport and embracing diversity. Moreover, people should be encouraged to make efficient use of water so that they are able to tackle watercourse pollu tion and local flooding. They should be encouraged to embrace healthy products that are made from waste and renewable resources. Measures should be taken to choose local, seasonal and organic diets and thereby reducing wastage of foods. There should be the installation of renewable technologies for delivering energy (Reddy and Wilkes 2015). All this will help in bringing positive impact on tourism and hospitality industry. References list: Baum, T., Kralj, A., Robinson, R.N. and Solnet, D.J., 2016. Tourism workforce research: A review, taxonomy and agenda.Annals of Tourism Research,60, pp.1-22. (2018).Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games | Business Queensland. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2018]. Byrne, C., 2014. Relationship of convenience? The diplomatic interplay between the Commonwealth Games Federation and the Commonwealth Games host city.Sport in Society,17(9), pp.1204-1219. Cohen, E. and Cohen, S.A., 2015. A mobilities approach to tourism from emerging world regions.Current Issues in Tourism,18(1), pp.11-43. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2018] (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2018]. Fairley, S., Lovegrove, H., Newland, B.L. and Green, B.C., 2016. Image recovery from negative media coverage of a sport event: Destination, venue, and event considerations.Sport Management Review,19(3), pp.352-360. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jan. 2018]. Hall, C.M., Gossling, S. and Scott, D. eds., 2015.The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. Routledge. Harris, P., 2014. The health impacts of the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games: proactive planning is required, but who will do this?.The Medical journal of Australia,201(10), pp.574-575. McKercher, B. and Tung, V., 2015. Publishing in tourism and hospitality journals: Is the past a prelude to the future?.Tourism Management,50, pp.306-315. Reddy, M.V. and Wilkes, K. eds., 2015.Tourism in the Green Economy. Routledge.
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